ADAPT Mission
The mission of ADAPT is to advance knowledge, skills, and quality outcomes in the field of substance use prevention while supporting successful integration of strategies informed by the best available evidence into communities.
ADAPT’s Approach to training and technical assistance
ADAPT serves as a TRANSLATOR of evidence-based strategies, NAVIGATOR of the literature supporting these strategies and important resources, and CONNECTOR to mentors, peers, and partners.
ADAPT grounds itself in evidence throughout all activities. Our unique formula for translating that evidence for integration into individual HIDTA communities follows:
(Relatability + Digestibility) Support = ↑ Likelihood for Successful Integration
ADAPT strives to make every interaction with clients Relatable in language and experience, Digestible in content, and enhanced through exponential Support as they implement and evaluate new skills and strategies.
Activities & Outcomes
2023 HIDTA Prevention Summit attendees
HIDTA programs & National Initiatives served through individual Technical Assistance
Individual Technical Assistance Requests Completed
Access Technical Assistances Services
As the National HIDTA Technical Assistance provider, we are here to serve the unique needs of HIDTA communities in advancing substance use prevention.