Online Training

The Washington/Baltimore HIDTA (W/B HIDTA) offers online training to the W/B HIDTA region. It is now possible to take both Case Explorer (entire program) and deconfliction training completely in this format.
NOTE: The registration site will only have the online class listed once per month. This class will run the entire month even though the classes take only a few hours to complete. All certificates for the online training will be sent from the Talent LMS.
- Enter the word Class (case sensitive) for Username = Class and Password = Class
- Select Washington – Baltimore
- Select Click to view Training Events link
- Select the course you want to register for
- Case Explorer, GangNet and other courses that might be held in the future (TBA)
- There may be multiple events scheduled with the same name. Be sure to select the event using the date to indicate the proper event.
- Fill in the HOTT Online Application
- Select Complete Registration
All of the required paperwork is emailed to you as soon as your enrollment has been approved.